Jan 25, 2011

Useful linux application- Wine

Wine –window remains till date, very most popular operating system, which sure that more application and software are developed for it than for  other Operating systems, which confirm that it is most popular operating system. I am currently using window 7 ultimate. I think that this is best operating system. I have tried many Linux operating systems. If you want try Linux operating system wine is very useful application for you.
 Wine provides the window application supportable layer in Linux operating systems. It makes windows supportable application for Linux capable of running window application. Using wine, Linux user can run even complicated applications such as Photo shop and Microsoft office etc, and you can play windows games such as staracraft 2 and half life 2. Wine has seen major development in compatibility and stability in recent times, and continues to be very keenly developed.
 Wine make sure that   those coming to world of do not have to leave their much loved application behind, giving them so far another reason to shift to a free operating system. For these reasons and many other it‘s the best software for Linux platform.



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