Sep 25, 2010

It is not pc. but some different.

Laptops – A device that use as a desktop replacement or portable gaming rig. For more information visit  Compaq,  hp,   sony , Microsoft ,  apple  etc.
Characteristics- large and small screen, full QW-entry key board, better system.

Net book –A small light weight device use for the internet and the cloud, for people on the go .its generally use for internet. For more information visit Compaq , hp , sony , Microsoft ,  apple etc
Characteristics- small size (about 12 to 14 inches), light weight, long battery life.

Notebooks-It is   sleek and light, but some bulkier than a net book. Used for documents and office presentations. For more information visit Compaq , hp , sony , Microsoft ,  apple etc
Characteristics- sleek and light weight large screen.

Smart phone -A hybrid between smart phone and a notebook. Smart phone has a range of connectivity option. For more information visit  nokiaMicrosoft , sony etc.
Characteristics- connectivity option, lightweight, long battery life.

Tablet- A tablet is like a digital slate, with a full touch screen surface, and no key board. for more information visit  Compaq , hp ,  sony , Microsoft ,  apple etc.
Characteristics –Tablet is basically a large touch screen.  8.4–14.1 inches about touch screen.(some tablets may be keyboard)

UMPC (ultra mobile pc) - A tablet with a sliding  keyboard’ speaker or other peripherals. For more information visit sony   , Microsoft  , apple,  nokia, etc.
Character tics - Lack of folding screen, 8 inch or smaller touch sensitive screen with minimum resolution of 800 × 480 about and low processing power.

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